Giving Faster Feedback in Digital Documents
If you are anything like me, grading is sometimes so time-consuming. I love the idea of not hauling papers all around and giving feedback digitally, but at times found the comment tool cumbersome within Google Docs. So I end up printing papers home and handwriting comments which I'm pretty sure my students have a hard time deciphering my chicken scratches as I attempt to give feedback so quickly. I found a recent blog post about a teacher who set up shortcuts in their Google Docs preferences which made grading really slick. I love shortcuts so I tried it this past week and I'm a convert. I wanted to give feedback on a new skill for my students and obviously didn't want to print out all of their papers that were turned in via Google Classroom. I'm often giving feedback that tells a student to "be more specific", "go deeper", "support with evidence" or "circle back to show how your evidence proves your claim". If you are an EL...