Google Slides + Pecha Kucha
In honor of finals week and first semester ending, you may be guilty of going with the traditional finals presentation. While this always seems like a fantastic idea to me, halfway through the period I'm reminded of what it's like to sit and listen for such an extended period of time. The Tech Tip for this week may not save you this time around, but will prep you for a great end of the year activity. We are mostly familiar with Google Slides (or at the very least PowerPoint), but you may not be familiar with Pecha Kucha! While difficult to pronounce, Pecha Kucha is where presenters create 20 slides that will automatically advance every 20 seconds creating a 6:40 minute presentation. The goal is no more "death by bullet point" and students staring at the screen as they mumble through every slide. Instead slides are more graphically driven and contain very few words to serve as a jumping point for their 20 seconds of engaging storytelling or points for e...