
PDF Candy

My work pals showed me this site earlier this year and it's been a life-saver. Bookmark it for the future and it will save the day. PDF Candy is a site that allows you to change the format of PDFs into other types of files. I use it the most often to change a PDF into a JPEG or PNG file which essentially is a picture. It will also let you take a PDF and eliminate pages you don't need. It will also take some PDFs and allow you to change them to editable Word documents.  You can also merge PDFs together or take them apart! I don't need these tools frequently, but when I do it's great to have a reliable option that isn't flooded with questionable ads.  No sign-in is required! Once you have uploaded your PDF, it will allow you to download the finished product to your computer, your Google Drive or Dropbox if you have an account.  As always - to learn more tech tips and tricks, be sure to come to the Tech Institute this summer. There are a wide variet...

Hapara Updates- Winter 2018-2019

There have been some great updates to Hapara in the last week or two.  If you don't know, Hapara is more than just a monitoring system for chromebooks- it also allows you to share documents, create student groups and create lessons (including pushing out browser tabs to students). Some of the recent updates are: An updated header New options to guide user browsing (THESE ARE AMAZING!) The ability to create browsing templates for learners- this allows to to create templates for browsing that you use frequently with your students-without having to redo them each time! The video below goes through each of these new updates with samples on how to use them with your own Hapara and students.   Hapara February 2019 Updates What's new in Hapara: An updated header New options to guide learner browsing The ability to create browsing templates for learners Looking for more informa...

Hapara Updates-Filter Session (block a single site)

For this weeks  tech nology  tip  I would like to highlight one of Haparas most recent Updates, the ability for teachers to block specific websites on student Chromebooks.  If one or many of your students need to be restricted from specific distracting web pages you can set up a filter session using the directions below.  Visit  and sign in with Google. Click Highlights. Click Guide Browsing. Click Set up a Filter Session. Enter up to 5 websites (1).  Assign how long you would like to restrict access (2). Select the Students you would like to restrict (3).  Click Start Session (4).